The Beauty of the Grand Canyon is the result of conflict between earth and water.

Conflict is often defined as a struggle or clash between opposing forces, a state of opposition between ideas and interests. However, it is important to approach conflict with humility, recognizing that it is not inherently negative or something that should necessarily be avoided. Just as the majestic Grand Canyon is a result of the conflict between earth and water, conflict is an integral part of life and nature. To shy away from conflict is to shy away from life itself. In today’s world, the term “conflict” is frequently mistaken for “belligerence.” When you share an idea or thought and someone responds with aggressive hostility, that is not true conflict but rather belligerence. Engaging in belligerent behavior is something that should indeed be avoided. Whether we

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What will you rely upon to define reality?

In life, things are often not what they seem. In order to determine truth or reality, right or wrong, good or bad, we all have a set of God-given tools. So, what tools do you rely on the most to make sense of things? Your eyes, your ears, your emotions, your instincts, or what you believe to be common sense? Your eyes can deceive you. Your ears can be lied to. Your emotions can trick you. And your instincts and common sense are dependent upon all three of those things. So, how do we know what is real and what is true? The answer is to maintain a balance of all three aspects of self: mind, body, and spirit. Emotions, for example, have their place.

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Altered Reality… Don’t Believe Everything You See.

The rise of fantasy as a new reality challenges traditional notions of truth and facts. People increasingly rely on subjective experiences and emotions to shape their perceptions and beliefs. This shift has implications for politics, social issues, and personal relationships. The idea that “perception is reality” blurs the line between perception and truth, leading to fragmented understandings of the world. Echo chambers on social media reinforce subjective realities, making it difficult to engage in meaningful dialogue. Emotional reasoning and the allure of escapism further contribute to the acceptance of fantasy as reality. While this shift may foster creativity, it poses challenges to critical thinking and evidence-based decision-making. Striking a balance between subjective experiences and objective facts is crucial in navigating our complex society. Don’t believe

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Confrontation is a necessary part of life.

No More Confrontation seems to be the mantra of the day. Confrontation has become a negative word. Yet confrontation Is inevitable. It is a part of everyday life. You face confrontation when you have to buy groceries at exorbitant prices. You face a confrontation at the gas pump. You face confrontation with what your children are watching online and what they are learning at school. You can bury your head in the sand, but you still cannot escape it. You can pretend it doesn’t exist, but it does. Confrontation is not necessarily a bad thing. Confrontation brings about change. The key is to confront challenges and obstacles wisely. To develop a battle plan that doesn’t feel like you are in a constant battle, although you

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Emotion is a part of Human Nature. The Truth is not.

It is often said that emotions can overpower reason. As humans, we are inherently susceptible to our emotions, while the pursuit of truth remains elusive. It is worth acknowledging that influential individuals hold sway over the media landscape.  These media owners and CEOs possess the authority to determine the algorithms that shape the information we receive. In an ideal world, these powerful media moguls would simply present the truth, allowing us to interpret and utilize it as we see fit.  Regrettably, these same influential figures prioritize their own perspectives and values over the truth. They may not even consider whether their beliefs align with ours. They have come to understand that knowledge equates to power, and that power can be acquired and disseminated.

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