The Beauty of the Grand Canyon is the result of conflict between earth and water.

Conflict is often defined as a struggle or clash between opposing forces, a state of opposition between ideas and interests. However, it is important to approach conflict with humility, recognizing that it is not inherently negative or something that should necessarily be avoided. Just as the majestic Grand Canyon is a result of the conflict between earth and water, conflict is an integral part of life and nature. To shy away from conflict is to shy away from life itself.

In today’s world, the term “conflict” is frequently mistaken for “belligerence.” When you share an idea or thought and someone responds with aggressive hostility, that is not true conflict but rather belligerence. Engaging in belligerent behavior is something that should indeed be avoided.

Whether we acknowledge it or not, the world is currently engaged in a war. This war may not be fought conventionally with guns, tanks, and missiles, but rather with information. More accurately, it is a war fought with misinformation and disinformation.

For the sake of our own safety, the safety of our families, and the safety of society, we must accept that conflict is a natural part of life. Otherwise, we risk being consumed and controlled by false information. The key lies in finding balance and choosing our battles wisely. It is crucial not to engage in or succumb to belligerent behavior.

Belligerent behavior often stems from individuals who have already fallen victim to false or inaccurate information. It frequently manifests as hatred, but unfortunately, there is little we can do for such people. Engaging with them will not lead to positive conflict but rather an ugly battle with no positive outcome.