No More Confrontation seems to be the mantra of the day. Confrontation has become a negative word. Yet confrontation Is inevitable. It is a part of everyday life. You face confrontation when you have to buy groceries at exorbitant prices. You face a confrontation at the gas pump. You face confrontation with what your children are watching online and what they are learning at school. You can bury your head in the sand, but you still cannot escape it. You can pretend it doesn’t exist, but it does.
Confrontation is not necessarily a bad thing. Confrontation brings about change. The key is to confront challenges and obstacles wisely. To develop a battle plan that doesn’t feel like you are in a constant battle, although you really are. Without confrontation, you must accept things as they are. To avoid confrontation is in itself an action. It is the action of condoning things that should not be tolerated.
It’s important to note that confrontation should not be an assault. Confrontation and anger do not go hand-in-hand. They are not two sides of the same coin. When confrontation becomes angry, the battle is lost, and your objective will not be achieved. Do not avoid confrontation because you do not like the word. You must stand your ground when people, groups, and even governments trespass upon you. If you do not… They will take it!
Confrontation is a necessary part of life. Don’t Fear It… Embrace it! Just do it nicely if you can!